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Show off your sensual side in a tasteful Boudoir photo shoot that will make you look and feel gorgeous. The shoot is designed to bring out your confidence and empower you and makes a fabulous gift for yourself or for your partner.

I will be that you have brought along, combined with professional expertise and lighting equipment. I will work with you to show off your personality and your best assets and produce a wonderful set of photographs for you to cherish or surprise your partner with.  

I will help you feel comfortable and at ease during your intimate shoot. We will be taken in an artistic and sophisticated style in your favourite lingerie and accessories

Boudoir Pho­tog­ra­phy is not just for women!

Boudoir for men or “dudoir”, offers gor­geous, sexy pho­tos for men. Men are not as fre­quently pho­tographed “for fun” like women are. Male boudoir show that men can be sexy and con­fi­dent in front of the cam­era just like women. Dudoir pho­tos can range from por­traits of men to artis­tic nudes.

A Dudoir pho­to­shoot is a truly unique expe­ri­ence – it’s a break from your hec­tic every­day life – and a chance to see your­self and your body dif­fer­ently.  One mem­o­rable day specif­i­cally designed to cel­e­brate… you.  And at the end of the jour­ney, you’ll have a gor­geous col­lec­tion of images to revisit and remem­ber (and to share with whomever you want).

Being deployed, get­ting mar­ried, want­ing to show off your hard work and cap­ture your essence while you are in your prime…there are so many rea­sons to do this for yourself!




Package includes:

• Pre-session consultation

• Up to 3 hour professional photo shot
•25 edited digital images

•10 Fine Art Print Format 20x30 surface: Glossy, Matte or Silk

•Additional digital images for only £9 each

• Secure online viewing for family & friends on our website (Password   protected).

• Option to purchase prints, Books, Wall Décor and images in digital   format  at your viewing session. 
• £348.00 is payable at the time of booking


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